building in the open

Adapting Objectives, OKRs, and Sprint Goals in the Era of Building in Public

The Fluidity of Ambition In the quiet hum of the modern tech ecosystem, an undercurrent of transparency is reshaping the way we think about objectives. The once private boardroom decisions and guarded strategies are now laid bare for the world … Read More

Managing Organizational Performance: A Tale of Transparency and Triumph

In the bustling heart of Silicon Valley, where the air hums with the electric anticipation of breakthrough ideas and disruptive innovations, the lifeblood of every startup is its organizational performance. It’s a symphony of human effort, where every note and … Read More

The Art of Visualizing Progress: A Journey from Obscurity to Public Mastery

In the ever-evolving landscape of personal and professional growth, the concept of “visualizing progress” has emerged as a critical tool for individuals seeking to understand, track, and accelerate their development. This notion extends beyond mere metrics and charts; it delves … Read More

The Public Hustle: Finding Time in a Busy Life

In the age of hyper-productivity, where every waking moment is often accounted for in a flurry of emails, meetings, and deadlines, finding time for a side hustle seems almost counterintuitive. Yet, this phenomenon is not only thriving but has become … Read More

Sharing Success: Visualizing Software Development Milestones in Public

In software development, sharing success is essential for several reasons. It builds trust and credibility with stakeholders, including clients, investors, and team members. Openly sharing milestones and achievements demonstrates transparency and accountability, which are crucial for maintaining strong relationships with … Read More

Photo Startup office

Building in Public: A Worthwhile Strategy or Just Buzz?

In the dynamic world of startups and entrepreneurship, “building in public” has emerged as a popular buzzword. Advocates argue that it’s a transformative strategy for transparency, community building, and accountability. Skeptics dismiss it as a fad that offers little more … Read More

Photo Startup office

Open Startup: The Key to Entrepreneurial Success

An open startup is a business model characterized by transparency and the sharing of information with the public. This approach involves disclosing financial data, operational metrics, and internal processes to build trust and create a sense of community among customers, … Read More

Photo Team meeting

What is building in public?

The idea of building in public has become more and more popular in recent years, particularly in the tech and startup communities. It entails revealing to the public the steps involved in developing a project, company, or product, as opposed … Read More

Photo Nouns: software, public, building Image: Code Collaboration

Public Software Development: Building in the Open

Public software development refers to the process of creating software that is openly available for anyone to use, modify, and distribute. It is often associated with open source software, which is developed by a community of volunteers who collaborate and … Read More

Building in public

Build in Public: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Building in Public is a concept that has gained popularity in recent years, especially in the world of entrepreneurship and startups. It refers to the practice of sharing the process of building a product or project with the public, rather … Read More