Author Archives: alex

Adapting Objectives, OKRs, and Sprint Goals in the Era of Building in Public

The Fluidity of Ambition In the quiet hum of the modern tech ecosystem, an undercurrent of transparency is reshaping the way we think about objectives. The once private boardroom decisions and guarded strategies are now laid bare for the world … Read More

Managing Organizational Performance: A Tale of Transparency and Triumph

In the bustling heart of Silicon Valley, where the air hums with the electric anticipation of breakthrough ideas and disruptive innovations, the lifeblood of every startup is its organizational performance. It’s a symphony of human effort, where every note and … Read More

The Long Game: How Big Goals and Building in Public Shape Our Future

The Long View In a world obsessed with immediacy, long-term thinking can seem almost subversive. Our society is addicted to instant gratification, driven by a ceaseless stream of notifications, likes, and shares. But amid the digital din, there exists a … Read More

The Art of Visualizing Progress: A Journey from Obscurity to Public Mastery

In the ever-evolving landscape of personal and professional growth, the concept of “visualizing progress” has emerged as a critical tool for individuals seeking to understand, track, and accelerate their development. This notion extends beyond mere metrics and charts; it delves … Read More

The Public Hustle: Finding Time in a Busy Life

In the age of hyper-productivity, where every waking moment is often accounted for in a flurry of emails, meetings, and deadlines, finding time for a side hustle seems almost counterintuitive. Yet, this phenomenon is not only thriving but has become … Read More

The 20% Rule: How Allocating Time for Innovation Transforms Creative Success

Allocating a chunk of one’s time to innovation is often touted as the secret ingredient in the recipe for sustained creative success. But how does one translate this abstract principle into a tangible routine, particularly in an age where productivity … Read More

Visual Project Management: Tools to Keep Your Software Development on Track

In the fast-paced world of software development, managing projects efficiently is crucial for timely delivery and maintaining high standards. As projects grow and teams become more distributed, traditional methods of project management can fall short. Visual project management has emerged … Read More

Open Development: A Modern Marketing Strategy for Your MVP

In the competitive landscape of tech startups, getting noticed is half the battle. Traditional marketing strategies, while effective, can often be expensive and time-consuming. Enter open development: a modern, transparent approach to building your Minimum Viable Product (MVP) that doubles … Read More

Photo Team Alignment

Beyond Private Goals: The Power of Making OKRs Public in the Workplace

Transparency in goal setting is essential for organizational success. It facilitates clear communication and understanding of expectations among employees. When goals are set transparently, it creates accountability and ownership, as staff members are aware of their responsibilities and how their … Read More

Improving Team Performance with Sprint Burndown Chart

A Sprint Burndown Chart is a visual tool used in Agile project management to track a team’s progress during a sprint. It displays the amount of work completed and remaining over time, typically with time on the horizontal axis and … Read More