Building In Public: Is It Worth the Risk?

In today’s digital age, transparency has become a key factor in building trust and credibility with customers. One strategy that has gained popularity among businesses is “Building in Public.” This approach involves sharing the behind-the-scenes process of building a product or service with the public, allowing customers to be a part of the journey. In this article, we will explore what Building in Public means, its benefits and risks, and how it can help your business succeed.

Transparency in business is more important than ever before. Customers want to know who they are doing business with and what goes on behind closed doors. Building in Public is a way for companies to be transparent and open about their processes, decisions, and challenges. By sharing this information with the public, businesses can build trust and credibility, which ultimately leads to stronger customer relationships and increased loyalty.

What is Building in Public?

Building in Public is a strategy where companies share their progress, challenges, and decision-making processes with the public. It involves being open and transparent about the behind-the-scenes work that goes into building a product or service. This can include sharing updates on social media, hosting live streams or webinars, or even creating a dedicated blog or podcast.

Several companies have successfully used this strategy to engage with their audience and build a community around their brand. One notable example is Buffer, a social media management platform. Buffer has been transparent about their journey from the beginning, sharing their revenue numbers, employee salaries, and even their failures. This transparency has helped them build a loyal following and gain valuable feedback from their customers.

The Benefits of Building in Public

Increased engagement with customers

Building in Public allows businesses to engage with their customers on a deeper level. By sharing updates and progress, companies can involve their audience in the decision-making process and make them feel like they are part of the journey. This increased engagement leads to stronger customer relationships and a sense of ownership in the success of the product or service.

Building a community around your brand

When companies share their journey openly, they attract like-minded individuals who are interested in their industry or product. This creates a community of supporters who are invested in the success of the business. This community can provide valuable feedback, support, and even become brand advocates, helping to spread the word about the company.

Gaining valuable feedback and insights

By involving customers in the building process, businesses can gain valuable feedback and insights that can help improve their product or service. Customers may offer suggestions, point out potential issues, or provide ideas for new features. This feedback can be invaluable in shaping the final product and ensuring that it meets the needs and expectations of customers.

The Risks of Building in Public

Revealing too much information

One of the risks of Building in Public is revealing too much information that could be detrimental to the business. Sharing sensitive information or trade secrets could give competitors an advantage or damage the company’s reputation. It is important to set boundaries and guidelines for what information can be shared and what should remain confidential.

Negative feedback and criticism

When companies open themselves up to public scrutiny, they also open themselves up to negative feedback and criticism. Not everyone will agree with every decision or like every aspect of the product or service being built. It is important to be prepared for this and have a plan in place for handling negative feedback in a constructive way.

Losing competitive advantage

By sharing their progress openly, companies risk losing their competitive advantage. Competitors may be able to learn from their mistakes or replicate their successes more quickly. It is important to strike a balance between transparency and maintaining a competitive edge.

How Building in Public Can Help Your Business

Building trust with customers

Transparency builds trust. By sharing your journey openly, you show customers that you have nothing to hide and that you are committed to delivering a quality product or service. This trust can lead to stronger customer relationships and increased loyalty.

Creating a loyal following

When customers feel like they are part of the journey, they become more invested in the success of the business. They are more likely to become brand advocates, recommending your product or service to others and helping to spread the word about your company.

Improving your product or service

By involving customers in the building process, you gain valuable feedback and insights that can help improve your product or service. This feedback can help you identify areas for improvement, address potential issues, and ensure that your final product meets the needs and expectations of your customers.

The Importance of Transparency in Building in Public

Being honest and open with your audience

Transparency is about being honest and open with your audience. It means sharing both the successes and the failures, the wins and the challenges. By being transparent, you build trust and credibility with your audience.

Building trust and credibility

Trust is the foundation of any successful business relationship. By being transparent, you show your audience that you have nothing to hide and that you are committed to delivering a quality product or service. This builds trust and credibility, which leads to stronger customer relationships.

Avoiding negative backlash

Transparency can help businesses avoid negative backlash by addressing potential issues or concerns proactively. By being open about challenges or mistakes, companies can show their audience that they are committed to learning from their experiences and improving their products or services.

How to Build in Public Without Revealing Too Much

Setting boundaries and guidelines

It is important to set boundaries and guidelines for what information can be shared and what should remain confidential. This ensures that sensitive information or trade secrets are not revealed, while still allowing for transparency and openness.

Focusing on the process, not the end result

Instead of focusing solely on the end result, focus on the process of building. Share updates, challenges, and decision-making processes along the way. This allows your audience to be a part of the journey without revealing too much about the final product or service.

Being selective with what you share

Not everything needs to be shared publicly. Be selective with what you share and consider the potential impact it could have on your business. Share information that is valuable and relevant to your audience, while keeping sensitive information private.

Case Studies: Success Stories of Building in Public


Buffer has been transparent about their journey from the beginning, sharing their revenue numbers, employee salaries, and even their failures. This transparency has helped them build a loyal following and gain valuable feedback from their customers.


Basecamp, a project management software company, has also embraced Building in Public. They share updates on their blog, discussing their decision-making processes and challenges they face. This transparency has helped them build a strong community of supporters who are invested in their success.

Case Studies: Failures of Building in Public


Juicero, a company that created a high-end juicing machine, faced backlash when it was revealed that their expensive machine could be replaced by simply squeezing the juice packs with bare hands. The company’s lack of transparency and failure to address this issue proactively led to negative publicity and ultimately contributed to their downfall.


Theranos, a health technology company, claimed to have developed a revolutionary blood testing technology. However, when it was revealed that their technology did not work as advertised, the company faced lawsuits and lost credibility. Their lack of transparency and failure to address these issues openly contributed to their downfall.

How to Decide if Building in Public is Right for Your Business

Considering your industry and audience

Building in Public may not be suitable for every industry or audience. Consider whether your audience would be interested in the behind-the-scenes process and whether it aligns with your brand values.

Weighing the benefits and risks

Consider the potential benefits and risks of Building in Public for your business. Evaluate whether the benefits outweigh the risks and whether it aligns with your business goals.

Determining if it aligns with your brand values

Building in Public requires a commitment to transparency and openness. Consider whether this aligns with your brand values and whether you are willing to be open and honest with your audience.

Tips for Building in Public: Best Practices and Strategies

Consistency in sharing updates

Consistency is key when building in public. Regularly share updates, progress, and challenges with your audience to keep them engaged and involved in the process.

Engaging with your audience

Building in Public is not a one-way communication. Engage with your audience, respond to their comments and feedback, and involve them in the decision-making process. This creates a sense of community and ownership.

Being authentic and transparent

Authenticity is crucial when building in public. Be honest about your successes and failures, share both the wins and the challenges, and be transparent about your decision-making processes.

Building in Public is a strategy that can help businesses build trust, engage with their audience, and improve their products or services. While there are risks involved, the benefits can outweigh them if implemented correctly. By being transparent, open, and authentic, businesses can create a loyal following and gain valuable feedback from their customers. If Building in Public aligns with your business goals and values, it is worth considering as a strategy to strengthen your customer relationships and drive success.

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