Get Sh*t Done

The No-Bullsh*t Product Management Tool for Solopreneurs

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Why You Need This Tool

Keep Your Sh*t Together

You’ve got a million things to juggle, and your brain isn’t a damn circus. Our tool helps you organize your ideas, tasks, and progress in a way that makes sense. No more post-it notes on your fridge, no more scattered thoughts in five different notebooks. Just pure, unadulterated focus.

Share the Real Journey

Building in public isn’t about showing off; it’s about showing up. Our tool lets you easily share your progress with your audience—whether it’s a win or a fail, they’re along for the ride. Because let’s face it: people love a good underdog story, and they’re rooting for you.

Cut Through the Bullsh*t

We get it—most tools out there are bloated with features you’ll never use. Ours isn’t. We’ve stripped away the fluff and left you with the essentials. Everything you need to manage your product, and nothing you don’t.

Accountability That Actually Works

When you’re building solo, it’s easy to let things slide. Our tool keeps you on track by reminding you of what you said you’d do and when you said you’d do it. It’s like having a personal trainer, but for your business.

What You'll Get

Task Management That Doesn’t Suck

Prioritize, organize, and execute without losing your mind.

Progress Sharing That Doesn’t Feel Like Work

Easily update your audience on what’s going on behind the scenes.

Goal Tracking That Keeps You Honest

Set your goals, smash them, repeat.

Simple Analytics That Actually Make Sense

See what’s working, and what’s not, without needing a PhD in data science.

Ready to Stop Dicking Around
and Start Building?

Get started now and show the world what you’re made of.